15 October, 2007

Hole-shaped heart

Got an interesting call today. Turns out my local version of the PFO/migraine study wants to have a word with me.

In short, there's a wee hole in a fetal heart that allows blood to short-circuit the lungs (hey, who needs them?) that's to close when you're out and about in the big bad world. Often, in migraineurs, it hasn't closed up. Scuba divers are put at an increased risk of the bends by having this hole, and migraineur divers who had the defect corrected also noted a break in their pain.

But it's all unofficial, and they need to do more testing. I have the hole. My previous migraine specialist didn't want me to do it because she thought there were side effects that mitigated it.

I've left a message with the new guy. The doctor running the study is a coworker of his.

We shall see.

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