07 September, 2007

Enquiring Minds...

I have a Google News alert set up for "migraine" (I used to also have one for "Whedon", but I soon learnt there's neither enough time nor enough interest to read those every day). There's not that much new, all told. Lots of regional "migraines are very bad--you don't realise that" stories. Which is true. I mean, I've been having them since I was in the single digits, but it's only in the last 5-10 years that I found out there migraine specific abortives, never mind prophylactics.

And the ER thing? Within the last year. How I wish I could un-know that. Not even sure why.

Tonight's Google Alert led me to The Migraine Action Association, a UK-based group. I'm poking around idly, and I notice their membership page. Pay? To be part of a migraine group? I pay upwards of $100/month on meds, $75/ER visit, $250/admission. I can't imagine paying more money voluntarily.

And I'd like to think the things they learn are disseminated outside their borders.

I don't know. It seems like buying more migraines--their graphics, for instance, do a damned good job of evoking the headache I'm already having. The better they are, the worse I feel.

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