06 November, 2007

Dear Patient

This is tough. I have discussed options with Dr. [Specialist] and we are running out of options.

What would you like to try next?


Me? My ideas? I'd like to try being cured, or maybe having my symptoms managed so I can go back to having a life. That should be pretty easy to guess.

I'm not supposed to be the one doing the heavy lifting here. That's what the highly paid professionals are for.

1 comment:

Jonquil said...

What You Said.

Here's a list of stuff I'm going to ask my next specialist about, for what it's worth:


Don't know if those are any good or if you've tried them already.

But why are *we* being the doctors anyway?

Sigh. I just sent mail to a distinguished pain specialist who walks dogs with a friend of mine and asked for a recommendation on who to see next and got back "Well, I don't frankly hold out much hope given what you have been through and the number of, I assume, reputable physicians you have seen."

Tnx. A lot.