29 December, 2007

Not a moment too soon

Finally. An ER visit that worked. Partly coincidental, but I ended up with doctors who trusted my word. I don't know what's up with the documentation, but suddenly UCLA hasn't been able to find the note on my file that tells them about my dosages. At the best of times I hear a hushed "Six milligrams of dilaudid? I've never given anyone that much IV at one time." from the nurse's station. This visit was the fourth since my sister came into town--just over a week. The previous visits involved too little meds, or spaced too far apart.

This time, the second doctor (it was a risk going in when I knew there was an upcoming shift change, but I couldn't wait much longer) cut me off. Didn't care about my history. Wanted to know what I thought would work for me, and that's what he gave me. Pure and simple.

That was yesterday. Today I've had twinges of a headache, but nothing serious. Acupuncture this morning, and a massage scheduled for noon tomorrow. This is so much better than it was two days ago.

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