24 March, 2008

Diet Plan

Had another appointment with the specialist today. He's been stonewalled in his attempt to get me anaesthetised either as an in- or an out-patient, so he's going try and get me a referral to Cedars Sinai.

He's out of medicine, he says.

I brought up dietary mods, and he agrees that tyramine and wheat are a good place to start, although wheat is difficult. I don't doubt that for a second. The idea is to quit as much as possible for three or four weeks, and if it has made a difference, start introducing foods slowly back in and see what makes the needle wiggle.

I figure wheat will be the first thing back in, if I don't snap horribly beforehand. His tyramine recommendations are from the National Headache Foundation, and look...oh, I don't know what's doable and what's not. His summary of the whole thing is that I'll be eating European-style--fresh food, freshly cooked. It would be great if it were just that simple.

Here's what I can have:

* fresh meat, poultry, eggs.
* a fairly generous range of foods dairy-wise, but I don't think I'll take advantage of that. Since I can get protein from meat, I won't lean on cheese for it instead.
* most vegetables and fruit

It also seems to be limiting my chocolate and molasses and licorice consumption. Honestly, putting chocolate in that sentence makes it seem so much less appealing I could even give that up for a heartbeat or two.

I figure that in the first day or so of the juice cleanse I'll do a long slow Wholefoods/Trader Joe's shopping excursion and lay out a plan for a few weeks of healthy eats, and work out how often I'll need to be shopping to sustain this lifestyle.

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