21 March, 2008

Potential toxin #1: Tyramine


My specialist mentioned that one of the few medications left untried was something tied into adrenaline, but that would require dietary modification because I would run the risk of ending up with either too much adrenaline in my system, or too much adrenaline precursor. From reading the Wikipedia entry on tyramine I wonder if it's related. I'm pretty sure he also mentioned MAOI inhibitors.

In humans, if monoamine metabolism is compromised by the use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) and foods high in tyramine are ingested, a hypertensive crisis can result as tyramine can cause the release of stored monoamines, such as dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine.

The entry goes on to say there are no conclusive links between tyramine and migraines, but, well, conclusive isn't helping much is it? So this is a possible avenue of deprivation to explore:

Foods containing considerable amounts of tyramine include meats that are potentially spoiled or pickled, aged, smoked, fermented, or marinated (some fish, poultry, and beef), most pork (except cured ham), chocolate, alcoholic beverages, and fermented foods such as most cheeses (except ricotta, cottage cheese, cream cheese), sour cream, yogurt, shrimp paste, soy sauce, soy bean condiments, teriyaki sauce, tofu, tempeh, miso soup, sauerkraut, broad (fava) beans, green bean pods, Italian flat (Romano) beans, Chinese (Snow) pea pods, avocados, bananas, eggplants, figs, red plums, raspberries, peanuts, Brazil nuts, coconuts, processed meat, yeast, and an array of Cacti.

I just have to find out what would be left over, especially when it comes to proteins--poultry, beef, some fish, and most pork? What's left? As is, it doesn't look sustainable for too long. If the reduced diet is stressful, after all, the whole effort will be counterproductive.


Jonquil said...

I've been warned against all of those but OMGWTF coconut?

Note how if I paid attention there would be NO Thai, considering fish sauce and coconut are both verboten.

Jonquil said...

Oh, and the Wiki article is needlessly hard to parse.

You have to lay off all aged, marinated, cured, .... blah blah blah meats NOT all meats.

Chicken and pork and beef are just fine as long as they aren't dry-aged, smoked, marinated in red wine and garlic, otherwise nummified ...


Coconut makes me weirdly queasy, in such a way that I wouldn't be surprised if my body was trying to discourage me from ingesting it anymore.

Thanks for the parsing of that sentence--I couldn't find any other sources that looked quite so drastic...though I'm suddenly fixated on "marinated in red wine and garlic" and thinking "no, that's drastic indeed."

I'll probably go easy on the red meats at least. We shall see. There will be some very leisurely grocery shopping on day #1 of the cleanse.