11 July, 2007


Right now my prophylactics (daily meds to minimise (in theory) the severity & number of migraines) are:
  • Depakote, 3x150mg --it's an anti-epilepsy drug
  • Elavil, 1x1000mg --it's an anti-depressant
  • Vitamin B2, 1x500mg
  • Magnesium, 1x500mg

    I couldn't tell you how any of them are working. I couldn't even tell you side effects. I think I'm just used to feeling weird, one way or another.

    This particular mix is a few weeks old. Drugs I've come off of include:
  • Neurontin
  • Topamax
  • Wellbutrin
  • Cymbalta

    Probably more. It's hazy by now. But basically anti-depressants and anti-epileptics. There is another popular option of beta blockers, but I have crazy low blood pressure (escort opines all my migraines can be fixed with some good old NaCl, but having had a bag of chips yesterday, I don't know if I could live that way...) so those are out.

    Abortives, drugs taken once the migraine is on include:
  • Imitrex (15 or so a month)
  • Maxalt (15 or so a month)
  • Frovatriptan (9 or so, so far)

    Eh. None of them work reliably, but they're better than nothing so I keep going through the mechanics.

    My insurance company hates me. I think they would rather I took no more than 9 of just one of those triptans a month.

    Hey, me too. But let's accept the impracticality of that. I had to get dispensation to fill 18 Maxalt and 18 Imitrex. Then I get prescribed 18 Frovawhatsits, and they're just not happy. Hell, even for the Imitrex and Maxalt I have to fill them twice a month, instead of 18 at once.

    I figure they're a lot cheaper than ER visits, but I'm not in charge here.

    Rescue medications (taken in case the prophylactics allowed the migraine to start and the abortives failed to stop it--mostly I'm trying to be unconscious):
  • Percocet
  • Flexoril
  • Ambien

    I'm not on any of them these days. I had an initial 50 pill presciption of Percocet, plus assorted leftover Flexoril and Ambien. I tossed the leftover drugs in a fit of toeing the line, and my neuro won't give me a prescription of Percocet in a high enough dosage to even touch my pain. So I have nothing--if I need rescue, I either suck it up or call for a ride to the ER.

    ER drugs (the first 5 are the migraine guru-recommended combo):
  • IV Compazine--massive anxiety attacks. Can't take this unless it's with
  • IV Benadryl
  • IV Toradol--it's an anti-inflammatory
  • IM Imitrex (the abortive, but shortcut)
  • IV Dilaudid--I've had up to 10mg, and that was just awful, and there was no added relief once I went past 6. Escort won't let them give me more than that.
  • IV Demerol--just no. That was horrible. Escort had to keep me talking throughout the paltry 2mg because when I stopped talking I fell asleep and then woke up with a horrible start because I'd stop breathing
  • IM Dilaudid--yeah, that was by mistake because the IV slipped. So very miserable.
  • IV Phenergan--sometimes given to me when escort informs them of the adverse reaction to compazine. Don't have a clue what it does.

    The dilaudid has anxiety side effects too, and I've finally discerned (with some reading up) that the anxiety attacks I have the day after are probably med-related. Doesn't make them go away, this knowledge. But it does make them a wee bit more bearable.

    meara said...

    Not sure if you mean you just don't know how Phenergan affects you, or what--it's an anti-nausea, but also tends to make you sleepy. Then again, for most people so does IV Benadryl (a lot of dialysis patients get itchy when on the machines, so take IV benadryl to both stop it, and go to sleep during the annoying several hours of dialysis every day)

    LA MIGRAINEUSE said...

    I don't think that Phenergan makes me as sleepy as the Compazine. But something sure makes me itchy--my nose bothers me at the ER, and I'm guessing it's the wearing off of the Benadryl that wakes me in the middle of the night needing to scratch in an awful way.

    Anonymous said...

    Anyone who has found that Benadryl makes them a little hyper or jumpy instead of sleepy should flat out refuse the Benadryl IV treatment. My Mom always said Benadryl made me climb the walls as a baby, so I never took it growing up. When they siad they were going to give me an IV of Benadryland something else in the ER, I was in too much pain to think about what my Mom had said. It was a night I will never forget, Shaking uncontrolably while receiving the first IV, racing panicky thoughts... It was so bad that I fled before they could start the second IV. I managed to drive home, and shook and went through several hours of panc attack before I realized it must be the Benadryl reaction, only multiplied due to the size of the dose and IV administration. Has anyone else had this kind of adverse reaction with Benadryl?