24 July, 2007

Meet the new regime(n)

So here are the major changes:

Rescue Meds: I have some. I am in what my Primary Care Physician called a Narcotic Contract. We agree on a certain ceiling of rescue meds a month, and I see him once a month to evaluate how it's going, and most importantly don't ask for more. I am also to be pursuing alternative means of lessening the migraines.

No problem! Can do!

Cedar Sinai Referral: Not as fruitful. I can't be referred outside of UCLA until they determine that they can't help me here. To that end...

Dropping the Neurologist: She'll be glad to hear this. My PCP is willing to run interference with the Migraine Guru for the time being. And he's going to talk to him ASAP.

Scuba diving: He's given me a sign off on it. Yay! It just remains to be seen how I feel.

Anti-depressants: Celexa has been added to my grab bag of meds to see if it can help with the mood. Not looking at therapy again right now.

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