20 July, 2007

Here's how my medical care currently breaks down:
  • Primary care physician. His name may currently be on some of my older migraine meds, like the triptans. He referred me to my neurologist (see below). A couple months ago he rescued me from a crisis with a prescription for Percoset and some trigger point injections. But I don't normally consider him part of the migraine regimen.
  • Neurologist. Poor woman. I have flummoxed her. She tries, but she can't keep up. She referred me both to a pain specialist (see below) and a migraine guru (see everywhere). She tries to be helpful. Which includes a prescription for very few of a very low dose of Percoset, and an exhortation not to go the ER. So, not the most actual help.
  • Pain Management Guy. He's given me trigger point injections and done the occipital bilateral nerve blocks. He's also the prescriber of my Lidoderm, lidocaine patches that I apply on my neck or shoulder.
  • Migraine Guru. Now, he doesn't see patients, per se. He consults with a doctor that sees you more often. He's seen me once, made the protocol for the hospital visit, and the soonest I could get back in to see him is September--and I made that appointment over a month ago. He has half a day of clinic time a week.
  • Migraine "specialist." Hrrmph. I was sent to her during one of the long waits for Guru. She saw me for about a year and just kept piling on the drugs and the hugs and really wanted me to take more Botox. We've come to a parting of the ways.

    I emailed my neuro today with the summation of the post-DHE so far (short form: Ouch, what next?) and asked for next steps.

    Contact the guru, she says. Now, I have neither an email address nor a direct phone number. He's House-like, I guess. So I have to leave messages and enter into phone tag at work about the pain.

    Ah, well. That's for next week.

    Also planned for next week is quite a treat. I've made an appointment with my PCP and I will plead for more trigger point injections. And...a referral to Cedars Sinai. Way less in my neighbourhood, but not prohibitively so. And a little bird emailed me to tell me that they have the area's best specialists.

    Maybe they can get me in before September. We'll see.
  • 1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Well written article.